SCP to Transfer Files Between Linux Servers

Transferring files between Linux servers is a common task for system administrators and developers. One of the most efficient and secure ways to accomplish this is by using the SCP (Secure Copy Protocol) command. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of using SCP to transfer files from one server to another, complete with the necessary syntax and examples.

Before we delve into the SCP commands, make sure you have the following:

  1. Access to the source and target servers.
  2. Basic familiarity with the Linux command line.
  3. Knowledge of the file’s location on the source server.

Syntax of SCP Command:
The basic syntax for using the SCP command is as follows:

scp [options] source destination

source: Specifies the path of the file or directory you want to copy.
destination: Specifies the target location where the file or directory will be copied.


  1. Copy a File from Local Server to Remote Server:
    To copy a file named example.txt from the local server to a remote server at IP address remote_ip, use the following command:
scp example.txt username@remote_ip:/path/to/destination

Replace username with your remote server’s username and /path/to/destination with the desired directory path on the remote server.

  1. Copy a File from Remote Server to Local Server:
    To copy a file named example.txt from a remote server to your local server, use the following command:
scp username@remote_ip:/path/to/source/example.txt /path/to/destination

Replace /path/to/source/example.txt with the actual path of the file on the remote server and /path/to/destination with the desired local directory.

  1. Copy a Directory from Local Server to Remote Server:
    To copy an entire directory named folder from the local server to a remote server, use the -r option to enable recursive copying:
scp -r folder username@remote_ip:/path/to/destination
  1. Copy a Directory from Remote Server to Local Server:
    To copy an entire directory named folder from a remote server to the local server, again use the -r option:
scp -r username@remote_ip:/path/to/source/folder /path/to/destination

Additional Options:

-P port: Specify a non-default SSH port for the SCP connection.
-i identity_file: Use a specific private key file for authentication.
-C: Enable compression during data transfer to speed up the process.
-v: Increase verbosity to view detailed progress.

The SCP Linux command is a powerful tool for securely transferring files between Linux servers. Whether you need to copy individual files or entire directories, SCP provides a straightforward syntax and various options to customize the transfer process according to your needs. By following the examples and guidelines in this guide, you’ll be able to confidently use SCP for your file transfer requirements.

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